
March 25, 1300, is, according to some scholars, the date of the beginning of Dante’s journey into the afterlife as described in the ‘Divine Comedy.’ Dante intentionally chose this date for both symbolic and historical reasons. March 25, in Christian tradition, is indeed the day of the Annunciation, when the Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would give birth to Jesus. It is therefore a date symbolically linked to the transition from darkness to the light of Truth. Additionally, March 25 is associated with the spring equinox, a symbol of rebirth. Finally, in 1300, the first Jubilee of the Catholic Church took place.

The “Divine Comedy” remains, for me, the greatest of literary works and should be rediscovered, reread, and delved into because, besides being a masterpiece of staggering beauty, it hides messages and secrets essential for the evolution of our spirit.

According to René Guénon, the three Canticles of the Divine Comedy would indeed represent an initiatory journey and contain numerous esoteric messages. After all, Dante himself invites us to search for the hidden meaning among his verses: ‘O you who have healthy intellects, look at the doctrine that hides beneath the veil of the strange verses.’

If we reflect on it, being aware of having lost oneself in a ‘dark forest’ represents the first step towards enlightenment. The forest is a state of moral perdition where the values that lead to the ‘right path,’ the road that leads to the improvement of one’s inner self and, therefore, to God, have been forgotten. To honor this special date, I bring you the 5 most beautiful quotes from the Supreme Poet. Let’s treasure his teachings and try to apply them in our lives. Let’s choose as ‘influencers’ those who have made the enrichment of the spirit their true mission.

“Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.”

With this exhortation, Ulysses turns to his companions, encouraging them to continue their journey beyond the Pillars of Hercules—the boundary of the known world.

The purpose of human existence extends beyond mere survival and the satisfaction of vain and superficial needs. It lies in the pursuit of knowledge to enrich the mind and virtue to elevate the spirit.

“Come after me, and let the people talk”

Virgil urges Dante to follow him without being swayed by others, standing as resolute as a tower that withstands even the fiercest winds.

Those with a purpose must not allow themselves to be distracted by public opinion; they must remain steadfast in their mission and move forward with unwavering determination.

“If you follow your star, you cannot fail to reach a glorious harbour”

Brunetto Latini, Dante’s teacher, reminds him that fidelity to one’s calling will inevitably lead to glory.

Though confined within the limits of the underworld, Brunetto’s words serve as inspiration for all who grapple with doubts or hesitate due to fears.

What is your guiding star? Are you following it?

“Light has been given you for good and evil”

We find ourselves in Purgatory. Marco Lombardo utters this sentence in response to Dante’s inquiry about the origins of negative human tendencies. Often, people attribute everything to destiny (to heaven). However, Marco Lombardo explains that we possess the capacity to discern between good and evil. Therefore, evil arises from our free will, our rational choices.

Indeed, the trend of following emotions, the heart, and feelings appears to be increasingly popular. While this isn’t inherently wrong —let’s be clear— it should not overshadow reason. The light of intellect must illuminate our path. We should follow our hearts as long as those choices align with ethics; otherwise, we risk descending into mere barbaric instinct.

“Love that moves the sun and the other stars”

The Divine Comedy concludes with a profound revelation—one attained by a soul purified through its journey. We can spend a lifetime pondering the meaning of existence, the logic governing the universe. Yet, in the end, there is only one answer: Divine Love. It is the source from which all emanates, the guiding rule that directs everything. The force that moves not only the sun but also the countless stars. It is the One we should seek above all else.

“But now was turning my desire and will, even as a wheel that equally is moved, the Love which moves the sun and the other stars.”

Dante Alighieri